Goals Are Not Wishes Left Adrift
You’ve heard it before: Goals are not wishes left adrift. Goals are definitive, practical, and align with your decision and determination to execute. New Year’s resolutions are often as close as many of us come to setting goals. And these, often, disappear alongside so many wishes.
The good thing about goals is that they may set – or reset – from any point in time from any place. So long as ….. You:
1. Evaluate your effort + commitment, with timelines and milestones to grow toward the goal
2. Understand the physical, financial, mental and time requirements to achieve the goal – and can commit them, as well.
3. Your personal goals are just that: PERSONAL. Announcing them to the world with a splash is not the same as aligning personal coaches, mentors, or sponsors with your efforts.
4. Personal goals, as professional ones, must be measurable. Measuring is not simply visiting your vision board regularly to decide how inspired you remain:)
5. Personal goals should never require harming or shaming anyone else in order to be achieved.
If you think want (or need) to dust off your ignored ambitions and consider goal setting, free yourself to do it. Forgive yourself for all things past. Open your mind to this age-old mantra: What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Did you pay attention to the many personal life stories, dreams, wishes, and GOALS of the Olympians gathered in Rio, Brazil? Are you ready to sketch your own personal life Olympics? As daffy as it sounds, Go for the Gold!